Friday, March 7, 2014

Learning Awesome Photography

Of late I have been yearning to learn how to use my new camera properly.  I received a Nikon D3100 DSLR camera last year for my birthday.  It is the first DSLR I've owned and seemed like a great camera to start learning.


To date I have relied on the auto settings only because I don't know how to use the manual settings.  It is a completely foreign language!  Aperture, IOS, depth of field, and f-stops

But I am determined.  I love photography!  I love art and beautiful, interesting images.  And I want to capture some of those images myself.

Since receiving my camera (which I LOVE!) I have been fortunate to receive two more great lenses and a great tripod. 

Searching the Internet for "DSLR photography for beginners" brings up a slew of options.  But I really want something more than what I found.  I really wanted a at-my-own-pace course -- with assignments.  And I was looking for something that is easy to understand and teaches -- not tells - me how to take fantastic photos.

I really liked reading this course but wanted something with more practice and interactive options -  Digital Photography School

I am feeling pressure and a time crunch, however.  My niece is getting married in a few months and the bridal shower in right around the corner.  My goal is to learn and practice indoor shots to capture the shower while honing my outdoor shots for the wedding.  Tall order!

To help with the learning process, and after a visit to my local library, I found a highly recommended book with video on Amazon. 

So, to start my learning process I downloaded "How to Create Stunning Digital Photography" by Tony Northrup. 

Starting Chapter 1 I already love this book.  In the download copy I can click on videos to get more information.


Today, I am out in the field with my husband with the intention to practice what I'm learning.  This should be a lot of fun and I can't wait to share with you.

This learning process will be terrific for my Etsy shop and photographing jewelry pieces to show their best attributes.


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